
Capto c8
Capto c8

capto c8 capto c8

Optimum position for all manipulations on tooling Walter Capto C8: The new size for turning With the extension of our Walter Capto range to include the size C8, we are now offering an extremely strong and stable solution for heavy-duty machining.Requires minimal space on workbench 140 x 100 mm For more information regarding this item (Capto Master Setting Gauges - Capto C8 and C8X) or other items, fill out the form below or contact our office directly: Telephone: 81 Fax: 81 Location: 304 North Main St, Suite 104, Rockford, IL 61101-1101 USA Email: infCRckfrd.cm.Here is a rotatable and indexable Tool Boy in action. With the Tool Boy, you eliminate damage to your machine spindles - advantages which pay off very quickly! Due to the extreme demand of these products, lead times have become substantially extended. The head is secured in the horizontal position for locking the tool, which means that substantially less force is required to achieve optimum torque transmission. Capto C8 MSC Part : 52238763: Mfr Part : 80.174.80: Country of Origin: Country of Origin is subject to change: Germany : Product Reviews Similar Keywords.

capto c8

The clamping can be forced down, rather than horizontally, allowing the Tool Boy to be installed on tool carts. The head can be rotated 360 degrees, allowing convenient access for all operations in one set-up. Holds 54 Capto C8 Tools Liftgate service is required if you do not have a receiving dock or a forklift to unload the shipment. The Tool Boy is a unique tool mounting device for the assembling and disassembling of cutting tools on tool holders and modular tools.

Capto c8